
Useful Steps to Help Seniors Avoid Social Frailty

It was only a few years ago that we were self-isolating to avoid COVID-19. Older adults were particularly vulnerable, so extra precautions were taken to keep them safe. Solitary lifestyles adopted out of necessity became the new norm for a number of older adults who have yet to break from this isolation. We now understand …

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Knowing the Signs and How to Avoid Senior Anxiety

Does an older adult you love struggle with enjoying activities or sleeping well, or are they experiencing memory problems? Before chalking it up to the common effects of growing older, consider another common culprit: anxiety. It’s a common occurrence in older adults, but there are effective ways to help them avoid senior anxiety. In addition …

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Step-By-Step Guide: What To Do When a Loved One Dies

After losing a member of the family, the very last thing you want to do is complete a list of to-dos. The pain and loss alone are overwhelming enough. Taking the time to sort out your grief is crucial. Yet there are, unfortunately, a number of tasks that need to be handled, at various intervals …

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Learning The Risks of Emotional Empathy in Family Caregiving

Empathy is, obviously, a crucial characteristic of effective caregiving. The ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes helps you to better meet their needs. However, there is one particular type of empathy you need to understand as a caregiver in order to protect your own overall health: emotional empathy. Emotional empathy takes caring to …

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Implement Daily Routine for Dementia Patients: Anxiety Help

Implement Daily Routine for Dementia Patients: Anxiety Help

Have you ever awoken from a dream feeling totally disoriented? The dream seemed so real, that it takes a moment to regain your bearings. For someone with dementia, this confusion is part of everyday life. To help a loved one feel more secure, establishing a daily routine for dementia patients is an easy-to-implement solution that …

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