Try This Fun and Effective Dementia Care Technique: Improv

Try This Fun and Effective Dementia Care Technique: Improv

Creativity, adaptability, and a healthy dose of lighthearted fun are some of the top ingredients to healthy and effective dementia care techniques. It stands to reason then that a spontaneous activity like improvisation is a great method to connect and engage with someone dealing with cognitive challenges. Not only does it allow you to pivot …

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Senior Hygiene: How Frequently Should an Older Adult Bathe?

Sinking into a soothing, warm, bubble bath at the end of a stressful day and stepping into a hot, invigorating shower first thing in the morning are daily pleasures for a great many of us. But it really is possible to have too much of a good thing with regards to senior hygiene and bathing …

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Learning The Risks of Emotional Empathy in Family Caregiving

Empathy is, obviously, a crucial characteristic of effective caregiving. The ability to put yourself in another person’s shoes helps you to better meet their needs. However, there is one particular type of empathy you need to understand as a caregiver in order to protect your own overall health: emotional empathy. Emotional empathy takes caring to …

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Top Things to Avoid During Chemotherapy Treatments

The benefits of chemotherapy are irrefutable and can save someone’s life. However during the process of destroying harmful cancer cells, noncancerous cells can be in the crossfire, leading to challenging side effects. The physician will offer guidelines on what cancer patients need to do to reduce these effects, but it is just as important to …

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Maintaining a Sense of Purpose While Aging

What is it that gets you up out of bed every morning? If you’re a member of the sandwich generation, taking care of both younger and older loved ones, your list is likely quite extensive! As the nest empties, however, it becomes crucial to redefine our identity and discover new ways to establish purpose while …

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Implement Daily Routine for Dementia Patients: Anxiety Help

Implement Daily Routine for Dementia Patients: Anxiety Help

Have you ever awoken from a dream feeling totally disoriented? The dream seemed so real, that it takes a moment to regain your bearings. For someone with dementia, this confusion is part of everyday life. To help a loved one feel more secure, establishing a daily routine for dementia patients is an easy-to-implement solution that …

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